MT Return to Studio - Operating Guidelines
Below are the requirements for the studio, teachers, parents, and dancers as outlined by the St. Louis County COVID-19 Safe Reopening Guidelines. These requirements are in effect as of 11/17/20 until directed by local authorities.
Make sure your address and phone number are up to date in the Jackrabbit Portal.
Have your dancer use the restroom before arriving at the dance studio. While we will have the studio restroom (the larger one on the opposite end of the studio with 3 stalls) available for use during class, we will only allow one dancer in the restroom at a time. The lobby restroom is reserved for hand washing only. The door should remain open at all times.
Dancers must wear masks at all times in the studio
Please take your dancers’ temperature at home, before leaving for class. Please do not send your dancer if he/she is displaying any symptoms. (Temperature will also be taken upon arrival).
Dancers should arrive to class ready to go, with hair pulled tightly back. Younger dancers who need assistance with tying shoes should have their shoes on and tied (double knotted) before arriving.
If you arrive to class early, please wait in your car or outside (with appropriate social distancing) until the teacher opens the door.
Parents must wait until their dancers’ screening is done by a teacher and approved.
Notify MT immediately if your dancer (or anyone in the household/you’ve been in close contact with) has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 or is displaying symptoms.
Arrive on time to pick up your dancer at the end of class. Dancers will not be allowed to wait in the lobby area.
Delays in picking up your child could impact the start of the following class, as we sanitize between classes, so please don’t be late.
Dancer drop-off and pick-up is at the front-door. No parents / guardians are allowed in the studio or lobby before, during, or after class.
Teachers will be wearing masks at all times inside the studio, as well as when letting dancers in and out of the studio.
Only the teacher(s) will open the front door at the start of class.
All dancers must have their temperature taken by the teacher (one at a time, 6 feet apart) before entering the lobby. Any dancer with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will not be allowed in class.
Upon entry, all dancers must wash their hands or use hand-sanitizer before entering the dance studio. The lobby bathroom will be designated as the hand-washing bathroom and the door will remain open at all times. Hand sanitizer is provided as well.
Each dancer will be provided a designated spot in the lobby for their water bottle and shoes. We recommend not bringing gym bags or unnecessary personal items, as the dancers will have limited space in their personally assigned spot.
Please pack an extra mask for back up.
At the end of class, we ask that dancers leave promptly and orderly. Teachers will space dancers 6 feet apart and will release them one at a time to ensure they get to their vehicle safely.​
Dance Class Protocols
Dancers should immediately go to their assigned spot after check-in. No congregating in the lobby before, during, or after class. Dancers should put on dance shoes in their marked spots to ensure proper social distancing.
Once all dancers are in the lobby, the teacher will tell them when to enter their assigned box in the studio. These boxes are taped off to follow social distancing.
If your dancer requires tape for their hardshoes or soft shoes, we ask that this be done outside of the studio in advance of arrival.
No dancers allowed in the studio office.
Teacher Protocols​
Teachers must have their temperature checked at home before teaching classes each day and complete a symptom questionnaire. Any teacher with a fever of 100.4 degrees or symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will not be allowed in the studio.
Teachers will wear masks at all times when in the studio.
Teachers will also check temperatures when they arrive, as well as sanitize hands.
Teachers have checklists of cleaning protocols for before the first class of the day, between each class (which is why we have the 15 min break between each class), and at the end of the day. Teachers check off and initial each item.
Teachers check attendance and ensure only the assigned dancers are allowed in the studio and designate a number/spot for them.
Studio Sanitation and Cleaning Protocols
The studio and restrooms will be cleaned each day in accordance with CDC guidelines before class each day. Between classes, all high touch surfaces and common areas will be disinfected. Teachers follow a list of procedures and must initial at the end of each sanitation.
We have three HEPA air purifiers in the studio and lobby, to provide continuous cleaning and circulation, with 5 air changes per hour. We have three purifiers in order to cover the square footage of the studio and lobby effectively.
The lobby restroom will be designated for hand-washing only and the door will remain open at all times.
The door between the lobby and dance studio will remain open at all times.
No more than one dancer in the large studio bathroom at a time.
The front door remains locked at all times.